People vs dogs
“The more I know about people, the better I like my dog.”
– Mark Twain
the vegan chickpea: Puppy talk
Read more here. We do this all the time but we don’t do the different voices. It’s more about the choice of words, which is typical of each dog (or cat).
Cat person? Dog person?
Are you a cat person or a dog person? That’s a question I see a lot. I guess I’d have to say I’m both or rather an animal person, rather than a people person. Someone who gets along much better with animals than with humans, generally.
Speaking of animals and people (or persons), I’m thinking animals can be, and are, persons – to me that means individuals rather than homo sapiens. So why can’t animals be persons, individuals and people? Anything but humans and homo sapiens. After all, we’re all animals, only different species.
Dogs refuse to play ball if they have been treated unfairly
This article describes a series of experiments. The experiments show that dogs, just like humans and primates, have a sense of justice and will react to being treated unfairly. Of course, this is no surprise to me. We’ve had dogs in my family since I was five years old and they definitely seem to be envious of each other and demand justice in their own ways.
The other day I read that another scientist claims cats don’t ‘care’ about their people. I wonder on what she bases that assumption. We’ve had cats since I was nineteen, several of them, and most of them definitely seem to care, but there are some who seem to care less. If no cats really care, and only put on shows to con us into believing they do, why bother, if other cats get fed and sheltered and taken to the vet if necessary, without faking affection? I think that would be overestimating their acting talent a bit.
Today, when I was out walking my sister’s dog, I ran into a girl walking her two dogs. One of them especially, was really sweet. A little dachshund. Lhasa apsos are my favorite, and I also like the other Tibetan breeds, but I am very fond of dachshunds too.
Unlike most dog owners we meet nowadays, this girl actually let the dogs meet and sniff each other, but strangely enough her male dog, a longhaired chihuahua, didn’t like my sister’s dog, and the girl assumed she was a male too. I guess she isn’t familiar with keeshonden. This one is actually quite small even for a female.
So I guess, from my point of view and my sister’s dog’s this was quite a good day.