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Dec 3


Posted on Saturday, December 3, 2011 in Other, Whining

The other day I went to look at a new school building around here. Actually, it was my old school – though of course a new building. Esthetically this new building can’t be compared to the old shoebox-like one where earlier students – me included – went. Unfortunately, there are other things that are even worse than when I went there.

Sure, there were plenty of table tennis tables and a couple of game tables – tables with games painted on the tabletop. I’m sure that kids who like that sort of thing will be pleased about that. In the schoolyard there was even a swing. (For teenagers!?) The classrooms are well lighted and spacious and look as if they’ll do nicely for whatever subject will be taught in there. I saw nice looking rooms for woodwork, needlework, home economics, art and music. So far so good, right?

However, from a friend of a friend, I’ve heard that the actual teaching is poor and the so called mediateque (?) really turned out to be a disappointment. When I walked in, I expected to find a well equipped computer room/media room. What I found was a so called library with a couple of book shelves and a table with four (?) computers. There were even almost as many in the needlework room. If I’d had to go to this school, and believe me, I’m happy not to – I had a minor anxiety attack as soon as I walked through the main entrance, because of less than pleasant memories from my school days – I would have been extremely disappointed in the library/mediateque. I would most likely have gone through the books that interested me in a few months. And then – for the rest of my three years there, what then? The town library?

Not good! If that’s the way all schools at this level (roughly junior high) are, I feel sorry for the girls (and boys) who are like me. Although I probably would have anyway. But still, a well stocked library would have been some consolation.

Sep 28


Posted on Wednesday, September 28, 2011 in Other, TV series

A couple of days ago my sister and I watched the first four episodes of Roswell. It was great. I’d forgotten just how good that series was. It really put a smile on my face. Once again I was reminded of how good the tv series were back in the 1990’s. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the series – and to the day (that I hope will come) when I can afford to begin buying my favorite tv series as DVD boxes.

Aug 30

Coolest professions

Posted on Tuesday, August 30, 2011 in My life, Other

The other day I read about which professions are considered the ‘sexiest’ when you’re looking for someone to date. I found that with one exception, I didn’t agree at all. Doctors? Hm. Heroic, maybe, but dating someone who is around sick and dead people doesn’t really appeal to me. Then I started thinking which professions do I think are the coolest. Not to do, to date…  This is what I came up with:

‘Coolest’ professions

1) Musician/singer/songwriter/rock star
2) Reporter/photographer
3) Meteorologist/Climate expert
4) Archivist/Historian/Archaeologist
5) Sound technician

I’m sure if I considered some more, I’d come up with others, and others might disappear but this is just what occurred to me on the spur of the moment.

Aug 28

Which architectural style are you?

Posted on Sunday, August 28, 2011 in Other

You Are Gothic

You can be too moody and impossible to understand. Most people don’t have feelings as strong as yours.

You are a sensitive, romantic soul. You live to love… it’s the most important thing for you.You’re quite loyal to those you love most – friends and family. You have a sweet heart.

You are a deeply spiritual and wise person. You seek meaning in every aspect of your life.

Aug 23

Quote by Albert Einstein

Posted on Tuesday, August 23, 2011 in Other

“Our task must be to free ourselves… by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”

– Albert Einstein

Aug 20

Leonardo da Vinci quote

Posted on Saturday, August 20, 2011 in Other

“The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men.”

Leonardo da Vinci

Aug 19

Great veg*an quote

Posted on Friday, August 19, 2011 in Other, Veganism

“I will continue to be a vegetarian even if the whole world started to eat meat. This is my protest against the conduct of the world.”

— Isaac Bashevis Singer – Nobel Prize winning author

Read more:

Jul 20

What’s your type?

Posted on Wednesday, July 20, 2011 in Other

I just read this rather interesting article. Apparently, we humans tend to look for a partner who is like ourselves. I suppose that makes sense in a way, though I know that sometimes ‘opposites attract’.

The article also lists four main personality types:

The Explorer, ruled by high dopamine levels, is a risk-taker, seeks adventure and novelty, and is curious.
The Builder has high serotonin activity and is calm, likes schedules and roles, and is conventional.
The Director is influenced by testosterone and is focused, analytical, and logical.
The Negotiator has high estrogen activity, sees the big picture, and is compassionate, altruistic, and imaginative.

Now, two of these types are definitely not for me, The Explorer and the Director. *Shudder*.

I think my (maternal) grandparents was a Builder and that was very practical to have around the house, so if I’d had a brother (or a sister) like that, that would be great. But a boyfriend? Not really. Not unless I could have two. LOL.

No, my very favorite personality type is the Negotiator. Not surprisingly both my parents and my sister and I fall into this category. So naturally, I’d like to have a boyfriend who’s also a Negotiator. Though I’d kind of like him not to have too high levels of estrogen. 🙂

Jul 17


Posted on Sunday, July 17, 2011 in My life, Other

I was reading the morning papers online – I’m not into it really, but sometimes when I can’t sleep I’m so bored I feel like climbing the walls, so I do a lot of things that don’t really interest me. However, one thing that keeps striking me is how different I am from what at least seems to be the majority of people. It’s when I read articles about travel, the recipe section etc I notice it the most.

People are expected to love the ocean, beaches, partying, shopping etc. All recipes contains ingredients I’m allergic to, like dairy or eggs or the main spice is garlic, which doesn’t agree with me, and I also don’t like the taste. There are plenty of other examples, but I guess this is enough.

This may seem like very petty problems and you’re right. It’s not really the fact that I’m different that bothers me. I just find it really hard to find the ‘right’ paper, magazine or websites to hang out on. I guess I’ll just have to do better at finding my place in life.

Jun 7

Power Outage

Posted on Tuesday, June 7, 2011 in Other

Last night there was a power outage here. It lasted over three hours. That’s never happened before, as far as I know. Certainly not in my lifetime. You read about it happening to people living out in the woods, way up north or something, but in a town? No way.

It really brought home to me how dependent we are on electricity. We couldn’t go online, except my mom and sister on their iPhones – and they were rapidly running out of battery time. We couldn’t cook – and it was about dinner time. Not knowing how long the whole thing would last, we hardly dared to open the fridge to get stuff we needed. Due to the thunder storm, the light from outside was very poor, so reading was pretty much out of the question too. It was such a relief to see the light go back on.


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