Favorite Books
It seems many book blogs have a page of Favorite Books, so I thought I’d have one too. I’ll probably update it if/when I think of more old or newer favorites.
All time favorites:
Tolkien’s The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Diana Wynne Jones’ books (most of them).
Agatha Christie’s mysteries (most of them, for instance Destination Unknown, Appointmen with Death, all the Tommy and Tuppence books)
Jean-François Parot’s historic mysteries about detective Nicolas LeFloch (Marquis de Ranreuil)
The War of the Flowers by Tad Williams
Kelly McCullough’s techno-fantasy books
Eccentric Circles by Rebecca Lickiss
Charles DeLint’s books about Newford (especially The Blue Girl and Dreams Underfoot)
Garth Nix’s fantasy novels about the Old Kingdom
To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis
Jane Austen’s books (all except Emma and Mansfield Park)
Several history books by Eric Hobsbawm
Newer favorites:
Frances Hardinge’s books (children’s/YA) fantasy, especially Well Witched, Gullstruck Island, Cuckoo Song
Gregory Frost’s fantasy novels (Shadowbridge, Lord Tophet)
The Twistrose Key by Tone Almhjell
Susan Russo Anderson’s historic mysteries about midwife Serafina Florio