Surviving the end of civilization

I just read an article about surviving the end of civilization. It seemed to mix serious and joking advice. Personally I found a couple of the points either impossible to follow or simply ridiculous. So I added a few of my own, so my list would contain ten points too. My points are more serious, but I claim no expert knowledge. Take these points as they are, just general advice that should be useful even if society doesn’t come to an end.

1. Collect supplies – food and more
2. Get crafty – no demand for bloggers, fashion gurus or celebrities
3. Build a greenhouse
4. Make a garden and grow vegetables, fruit, cereals and so on.
5. Collect rain water
6. Get solar and wind power
7. Move into the woods (or some other isolated spot) or gather your family, friends and relatives – so you’ll have friendly neighbours
8. Get some environmentally friendly and low energy transportation – like bicycles?
9. Build a wall or grow a thick, thorny hedge
10. Collect valuables for trade – gold and so on.

Being Vegan in a Speciesist World

“I will continue to be a vegetarian even if the whole world started to eat meat. This is my protest against the conduct of the world.”
Isaac Bashevis Singer – Nobel Prize winning author

This article is about what it means for most of us, to live in a world where we’re very much alone to feel the way we do about animal exploitation. As far as I’m concerned, it’s very accurate. For some it might be hard to go against the rest of the world, but at least for me, it was easy. I didn’t have ‘the rest of the world’ even before I chose my lifestyle.