Discrimination Against Girls

BBC News Asia

Relatively recently, I read that in some context or other, a Swedish woman had written that it wasn’t true that thirld world countries were discriminating against girls. The reason that we have so many adopted girls from the third world here, is because we want daughters so badly. In other words, no discrimination against girls in the third world, but discrimination against boys here.

That woman didn’t seem to have any scientific material to base her claim on. It looked as if it was merely her personal opinion, nothing more.

Anway, today, on BBC News Asia, I read about a report that was published recently. It comfirmed what I’ve been suspecting all along. Some children are born discriminated against, just because of their gender. Others aren’t even allowed to be born at all. Some people believe that as many as 100 million girls are killed before they’re even born. They’ve been deselected simply because they were girls, nothing more.

For those who are actually allowed to be born, the discrimination continues all through the life they are allowed to have. I’ve read elsewhere that these girls are pulled into this discrimination of other girls, by helping to kill unwanted daughters and grand-daughters.

My suggestion is that people in these countries should be allowed to choose, by using IVF. Let them pick out one or two healthy boy embryos and allow them to be born, but if they do, they shouldn’t have any say in what happens to the other embryos. Healthy girl embryos can be ‘adopted’ by couples and women who want another child. Perhaps women who are suffering from some kind of fertility problems, or ones who simply wish to do something to save these unwanted children.

I wouldn’t mind adopting a girl embryo from India or China if someone would offer that option.

If all this means that those cherished boys who get to stay in their own countries can’t hope to marry when they are grown up, their parents can simply blame themselves. The boys might be able to get used to ‘marrying’ other boys? In any case, you can’t keep your cake and eat it too.

If you don’t have to ‘waste’ resources on rearing unwanted girls, you can’t expect others to do so either, so that your beloved, spoiled, overweight son can marry. You can’t have one without the other.

This might sound a bit rough, but it is, in my opinion, considerably more humane than what is going on now. People are killing babies. In the future, that might be avoided, even if an entire generation, maybe more, of men will end up without female companionship.

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