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Sep 25

Something nice and unexpected

Posted on Thursday, September 25, 2014 in Literature, My life

A funny thing happened the other day. Well it wasn’t funny as in ‘laugh out loud’, but it was nice and unexpected. Apparently, it was the annual International Talk Like a Pirate Day. To celebrate that, LibraryThing (a book community I had more or less left a couple of years ago, because the highest number of books you’re allowed to add is just 200, unless you want to upgrade), had arranged a treasure hunt.

There were ten treasures hidden on the LibraryThing website and if we, the enthusiastic treasure hunters, found (solved a puzzle) a certain number of them, we’d be given a free lifetime membership (upgraded). To cut to the chase, I was able to find the six (out of ten) treasures that entitled me to a free upgrade.

I kind of like LibraryThing, because, unlike many other book communities, it will allow me to add non-English books to my shelves. Which is kind of a necessity. At least it’s a very nice feature.

So now I’m back on LibraryThing, feeling quite happy about the whole thing.


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