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Dec 23

Winter spirit?

Posted on Tuesday, December 23, 2014 in My life

It’s a little hard to get into this winter time thing, when it’s five-seven degrees above zero and it rains almost every day. Some days, there are even thunder storms (in Sweden), not right here.

It does get dark early in the evenings though. One day, there was even rime. (My favorite winter weather type). Once in a while, the sky is blue and the sun comes out. It feels sort of like early autumn or spring.

Since Christmas is almost upon us, I thought I’d try a little harder to get into the winter spirit. I went for a little winter safari in Second Life. Among other places I found a cool ‘phantom’ island, called Frisland.I also visited a photo studio and took a few pics. Most of the pics I took in Frisland will appear later on our 3D site, but I have one, that I thought I’d share here, plus one I took in the photo studio.

Winter scenery from Frisland

Winter scenery


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