The Mysterious Origins of Punctuation
As readers and writers, we’re intimately familiar with the dots, strokes and dashes that punctuate the written word. The comma, colon, semicolon and their siblings are integral parts of writing, pointing out grammatical structures and helping us transform letters into spoken words or mental images. We would be lost without them (or, at the very least, extremely confused), and yet the earliest readers and writers managed without it for thousands of years. What changed their minds?
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Three Nagging Grammar Questions Answered
It’s always a good time for a bit of grammar. 🙂
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There is/there are
A reader asks about the use of “there is” and “there are”: I am writing to express my puzzlement over whether to use “there is” or “there are”.
Read more here on The Daily Writing Tips. Check out this cool, interesting site here.
A Double Negative Is Not Always UnOK
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