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Dec 8

Five Book Questions

Posted on Sunday, December 8, 2013 in Literature

I found this on Booklikes and I thought I’d try to answer the questions.

1. Who is your fictional crush?

Very tough question, but I think I’ll pick Faramir in LOTR.

2. Who is your favourite fictional villain?

Another tough question. In general I have to admit that I usually prefer fictional villains in tv or movie format, so I can crush on the actor. In fiction, I don’t usually do that. However, I could mention either Chauvelin in The Scarlet Pimpernel or Moriarty in Sherlock Holmes. They’re interesting, if not crush material.

3. Do you have a preferred reading genre, and if so, what is it?

I think I’ll have to go with fantasy, though I also love mysteries/puzzles.

4. Your favourite book this year/last couple of years?

Again very hard to answer. In the past years or so I’ve discovered a number of new authors and depending on the genre and the age group the book is intended for, I have several different favourites. Gregory Frost’s books Shadowbridge and Lord Tophet are among my all-time favourites and so are Garth Nix’s books about Sabriel. Lately I’ve also discovered the YA fantasy author Frances Hardinge. But again, I have too many favourites, even just newer ones.

5. One of your favourite book covers?

I don’t think I can pick only one. In general, cover art is very important to me and many otherwise fantastic books may fail in that area.


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