Sean Bean – extremely hot
I found these on You Tube and couldn’t choose between them. What a hottie he is. 😉
Cute fan videos based on a likewise cute short film I saw a couple of years ago. These guys were pretty much beginners and despite that they did such a great job. Well done.
The weird thing is I know I’ve seen the blond guy somewhere in real life. Can’t think where it might have been, but I’m sure I recognized him as soon as I saw him in the movie. Well, I guess all mysteries can’t be solved…
Viggo Mortensen. So hot…
Check out this fanvid. Even at his age this guy’s so – hot.
Another awesome LOTR fanvid
This one too, is about Boromir and Faramir.
LOTR: brothers Boromir and Faramir
I found this awesome fanvid from LOTR about brothers Boromir and Faramir.
Another Wallander fan video
Again, it’s a Stefan/Linda fanvid.
Wallander fan video
I found this on YouTube (where else?) and I loved it.