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May 13

Favorite parts

Posted on Friday, May 13, 2011 in Other

An American site, that I’m guessing is something like a ladies’ magazine, asked its female visitors which body part/s on a man they appreciated the most.

That started me thinking about what I appreciate. I came to the conclusion that hands are pretty cool body parts, especially male ones. I mean, sure, I like my mom’s hands and my own and my sister’s too, of course, but men’s hands are so big and strong. Though it is impressive how incredibly strong my sister’s little hands are.

So, my dad’s hands. Above all there are two things I recall. In our family we love Macs. Quite a few years ago, the first iMacs came along, and their puck mice got a lot of criticism. Most people, especially men, wouldn’t have anything to do with them. One man said that his daugters had small hands, so they didn’t have much trouble with them, but they weren’t good enough for him. Only that’s not true. It has nothing to do with the size of the hands. I know that, because I conducted a test.

I asked my dad to use the puck mouse on one of our iMacs. He said it was fine, he had no trouble at all, using it. Dad’s hands were big, not disproportionately so, but as big as you’d expect on a man who was 200 cm tall. That means it’s got nothing to do with size.

Dad was great at fixing electric appliances too. He took care of our all electric cables. Anything a layman was capable of doing, and was allowed to do, he did, and he did it well. He also taught my sister everything he knew, so now she can do it too.

My maternal grandfater had big hands too, even though he was shorter than my dad. Grandpa’s hands could build just about anything. Once when I was little, so little I can’t remember it myself anymore, I saw a helicopter and pointed up to it and told a little friend: I’ll ask my grandpa to make me one of those. Apparently, she was very impressed, though my grandpa couldn’t build helicopters, no matter how many other things he could build. He could also boil potatoes and make rice porridge (rice pudding – typical Christmas food in Sweden).


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