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Facebook or not?

Posted on Friday, April 9, 2010 in Other

The other day a friend of mine invited me to join Facebook. People have done so before, one of them relatively recently, and I haven’t felt the need to join yet another social network  Besides, apart from being a major timewaster, there are things about Facebook that I just don’t like. For instance not being able to upload any photos. Apparently Facebook will own the rights to whatever material I post.

So… Despite all that, there are reasons I might feel I should join Facebook anyway. It does seem to be a good way to keep in touch with my friends, but on the other hand, so far I haven’t had much luck with that. It seems most of my friends (and the majority of them are online friends) are quietly working themselves to death. Most people seem to be doing that. Working themselves to death. I blame my boyfriend-less status on that. It’s either that or I’m ugly, boring and weird. Which is it? LOL.

Here‘s another reason I find myself reluctant to join Facebook:

What do you think? Should I join or not?

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