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So tired of this…

Posted on Tuesday, May 27, 2014 in My life, Whining

It turns out things were not alright after all. The hospital can’t prescribe medication for me, since I’m not a patient there. My ‘own’ doctor should do that, and she refuses. Now I’ve signed up to go to one of the other clinics in this town. If they won’t help me either, I’ll have to go private, which will cost me a lot more. :/ But really, it’s not ok to do this. I’m a Swedish citizen, living in this town. They can’t all refuse to help me. I have a medical condition that needs to be fixed. I should press charges, but if I have to call the police I already know what will happen. There’s this old fat lazy woman who is just waiting for her pension. She won’t do anything. I know that. Long story, that I won’t go into here. I should probably just call the private clinic, which is in Gothenburg, about an hour away. Sigh.

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