Top 12 Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Inflammation is an important immune system function. But, when out of control, it can cause serious damage. Inflammation has been linked to major diseases such as Alzheimer’sarthritiscancerdiabetesheart disease, and signs of aging.

There’s good news: many foods are naturally anti-inflammatory. Antioxidants found in foods protect your cells from the effects of free radicals and can help reduce an overabundance of inflammation in your body.

Source: Top 12 Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Meet the Inseparable Cow and Horse With an Inspiring Friendship

A horse named Buddy and a cow named Trish, both from Ireland, are giving all farm animals hope.

As expendable commodities of the agriculture industry, Buddy and Trish were destined to lives that would be cut short by slaughter. But they aren’t commodities.

The pair are sentient beings who developed a unique friendship that should inspire all of us.

Bill Madden didnt want to slaughter Trish the cow and Buddy the horse The farm animals had a strong friendship so he contacted Hillside Animal Sanctuary

Source: Meet the Inseparable Cow and Horse With an Inspiring Friendship