
No matter how much I hate living here, at least I can say that I’m enjoying the summer. The neighbours haven’t been giving us any trouble for quite a while and the rainy/cloudy weather has kept most of them indoors or possibly away travelling.

And then there’s the produce. At the moment we’re enjoying all the fresh vegetables that are available and there will be more soon. Not to mention the strawberries. I really love strawberries, even though I’m slightly sensitive to them. Fortunately, I hardly ever eat enough to actually get the rash. It’s not like when I was a child and the tiniest amount of strawberries could make me break out in an itchy scratchy rash all over. 🙁

We really should hurry up and fix the cottage up though, because before we know it, it will be autumn again and I’ll find myself stuck in this vile town for another year. Although I must say I dread the winters in that cottage. The roads are the worst aspect of living out there. I worry about not being able to go shopping. Hopefully, I’ll be able to stock up on all kinds of dry food and other stuff so I won’t have to go shopping once or twice a week like we do now.