Hummus Tahin

4 dl boiled chick peas
1-2 table spoons tahin (sesamy seed paste)
1-2 table spoons lemon juice
2 table spoons tamari (or other organic soy sauce, like shoyu)
1-2 table spoons garlic
3/4 – 1 dl chick pea water (from the pot where you bolied the chick peas)
some parsley
(you can leave out any spice you like and add one of your choice instead)

Mix or grind the chick peas and add all the other ingredients except for the parsley. Keep mixing it until the paste is smooth. Then add the parsley.

If you want to make your own tahin, it’s easy. All you need are the sesamy seeds and a frying pan. Roast or fry the seeds without any fat. If you like your tahin dark and strong in taste wait until the seeds “pop”. Then you mix them in the food processor or mixer until they form a firm paste. Keep on going for far longer than you might think is necessary. There is nothing wrong, it just takes a very long time.