10 Rebuttals Every Vegan Should Know

There is no denying that being vegan has some truly positive effects. A vegan diet is clearly better for the animals, it is healthier for the environment, and it has proven to be amazing for the human body. With veganism sounding so marvelous, you would think that everyone would be intrigued by it. However, there are people out there who are not aware of the details and think that vegans are lacking from this lifestyle.

Naysayers will naysay. If you are a plant-based living person or just trying out the lifestyle for Veganuary, I’m sure you are familiar with the objection that you can sometimes get from those around you. People will ask you all sorts of questions from “where do you get your protein?” to “how will you keep your pants up without a leather belt,” and everything in between.

Read more here.

Meme – about me

I found this meme on Livejournal, but it’s originally from Tumblr. I decided to borrow it and adapt it a little.

I write fan fiction
I write original fiction
I publish books
I don’t acccept criticism well
I’m different from the others
I can’t wait to start my own family
I love The Chronicles of Narnia (and the LOTR books and… – how long do we have?)
I live in a fantasy
I love books, even e-books
I was once so ill I nearly died
I’m quiet but I have a lot to say
I hate getting up early
I have never been on a plane
I have been on tv (to talk about my fan fiction writing)
I just need some time off, away from everything
I have blue eyes
I’d rather buy cd:s than download them online
I’m easily distracted
I feel like no one listens to me
I’m a different person online
I’ve lost a parent
reading is my escape
writing is my escape
I long for a happy, long-lasting relationship
I’m shy
I miss summer
I’m the kind of person who uses complete grammar, even while texting
I’m a thinker, not a talker
I’m a t-shirt, jeans and sneakers kind of girl
I want to be forever young
I’m vegan
I’m starting to lose hope in humanity
I’m concerned about what’s happening to our planet
I’m ashamed of the human race
I love animals more than people
I feel enormously protective towards animals