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The 1950's


Two of the most famous singers in the 1950’s, that are still popular are Jerry Lee Lewis and Elvis Presley. Others who were big back then are practically forgotten today. For instance, there was a sort of rivalry between Elvis fans and Tommy Steele fans, but today no one remembers Tommy Steele.

As far as the fashion was concerned, the girls wore wide, long skirts, pony tails and cardigan sets. The guys wore sort of goofy suits, until denims became popular.

Rock n’ Roll didn’t really appear until the end of the decade. Before then the music was kind of slow.

Historically, it was a very traditional decade. Everyone wanted to have the ‘good old’ days from behind before the war. Housewives and suburban houses were what everyone wanted. If you’d like to get an idea about the fashion and the music, watch the movie Grease (from the 1970’s).

Some of the most popular actors from the 50’s were Gregory Peck, James Stewart, Laurence Olivier, Glenn Ford. In Sweden we had, among others, Hasse Ekman, Håkan Westergren, Stig Järrel, Sigge Fürst and Gunnar Björnstrand. As far as I know, only Hasse Ekman ever made a movie internationally.


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