“lila mill”, second life prim cleavage, thatotherlife ann otoole, “second life”
Of course, in SL, the sex related topics are always popular. Naked, nude etc would make the top ten, but when the search terms are Naked Ruth, you start to wonder. Especially since it is a sexual context. How anyone could find the child like basic avatar of SL sexy is beyond me, but to each their own of course.
Now back to the latest search terms. ‘Prim cleavage’ What is that anyway? Can you put an extra cleavage on top of the one you have. Seems strange. What if it’s a laggy place? The sculpty boobs suddenly turning into huge balloons until the sculpty prim adjust itself ot the intended shape and size. Probably not the sexy look the wearer intended for it. Isn’t the size of the built in boobs enough for any taste anymore? *shrugs*
Moving on. It happens a lot that people have arrived to my SL blog when searching for my SL name. I always wonder if they have been here before and forgot to bookmark it or they know me from somewhere else and want to learn more about me. Another explanation might be that they don’t like me and want to keep track of me. Knowing some of my readers, that might be a reason. Why don’t you guys send me a message. Give me a comment just to say hi and tell me you’ve been here.
thatotherlife ann otoole Both Ann’s name and the otherlife forum would probably have made trending topics if this had been twitter. A lot of SL people these days are heading there since they closed down the xstreet community. Maybe the new blog/forum at the official site will prove a acceptable replacement, but so far I don’t think so. Not for me anyway. I like where I am now, at that Other Life
I think Second Life made an error closing down the forums at xstreet, but it won’t be irreparable. People forget and soon there will be just as flowering community at the new blog/forum as it was at xstreet. It might not be the same mixture of people, but probably just as many. Only time will tell.