Jon Stewart Talks Veganism and How it Can Help the World

Jon Stewart has a unique knack for tastefully bringing light and humor to some seriously dark topics.

For instance, “It’s harder to eat meat when you know the animal’s name.”

So true, Jon.

Worth repeating are these key points Baur mentions in regards to how a vegan lifestyle is the solution to so many of the issues that are going on in the world:

Read more here and watch the video.

What the World’s Cities Would Look Like If Every Glacier Melted

The earth’s surface is only 30 percent land; 70 percent is ocean.

Jeffrey Linn, a Seattle urban planner, is using digital cartography to imagine worlds that are even more watery.

You don’t need a starship to visit them, although a time machine would be useful. That’s because Linn’s maps depict what some cities would like if sea levels went up by 80 meters, or 264 feet.

Read more here and look at these scary pictures.

When worlds collide…

I have loved Second Life for a long time, for the people I met there and for the creative sides of it. Never seen the virtual world as somewhere to make money. On the contrary I’ve always felt that it’s a bit too much money and sex in SL for my taste. For those of you who have read my blog for a while knows I have a store in worlds and products at XstreetSL, but the main reason for that has always been the creative part. I love that people love my creations.

I’ve always been able to use SL as a place for recreation, where I can forget about Real Life for a while. But as RL problems got bigger, the harder it was to relax and forgot. Now I’m facing a big decision. Will I have to downgrade to a free account and sell my land or stay as it is. If I’ll do, I’ll have to find a way to earn enough in SL to keep the land. That means more work with new products, more advertising. Will I have time for that? Will it be enough? Or should I close my eyes and drive off towards the cliff that that will be there at some time.

Why can’t I just move in to SL?