What twitter type are you?


Why should I tweet?

There are a several reasons to get a twitter account. I can list a few here, but of course there are others and combinations of the reasons I put here.

* Business – You have a business and you want another way to market it.

Twitter is still a new medium and lots of companies want to jump this train too. Some with better result than others. Personally I never follow any business that only tweets about new deals. I have a few exceptions though, a few small businesses that tweet about other things too. Twitter is and should be personal. Endless tweets about marketing aren’t interesting.

* Special interests – You are very interested in a certain subject and want to either broadcast your message or follow others who do.

Here too, there’s a mixed result. We have all seen them. The bots that tweet out endless retweets where people have mentioned the interesting word, maybe totally out of context. Having said that, I have to admit I have a tweetbot. What I realized was that I can’t let it lose without any checking up. I also state clearly in the info that it is a bot and what it does. Some like the service and some don’t.

* Entertainment purposes

You tweet with likeminded people, maybe following a certain hashtag (will tell more about those in another post), like #Frys or #Writechat for instance.

* Networking purposes

You follow people that might help you in different areas. Could be for your career or a hobby. Remember that they are persons just like you. Twitter is like real life. It’s just as much about giving as about taking.

I have probably forgotten other reasons, but these are the ones I can think of right now.

You can classify tweeters like this:

* Broadcasters – These are mainly on twitter to send information and not to receive. Here you’ll find businesses, celebrities, organizations or pseudo-celebrities (people who consider themselves authorities in certain areas.

* Information seekers – They are mainly on twitter to find information. It can be fans of a celebrity, it can be customers hunting for deals or people interested in a certain topic. Those who fall into this group use twitter as a fancy rss reader and don’t tweet as much.

* Introspectors – They are mainly on twitter to broadcast what they are doing. Their main goal is to put their thoughts into words, not that anyone actually read them. Feedback is good, but not necessary.

* Communicators – They are on twitter to make friends or to network. It’s important for them to find like-minded people to follow. Feedback is really important.

* Collectors – They collect followers and follow as many as they can. It doesn’t matter as much if the followers have the same interests as themselves mostly the numbers counts.

Which twitter type are you?