Are we treating the poor robots badly? Have we pushed them too hard making them work in our factories? Or are then plotting to take over the world? Should we start fighting back?
Today is exactly 2 years since the first attack. What happened was that one of the employees in a factory based in Stockholm was called in to repair a faulty robotised machine. Before he went in, he cut the power so he could safly enter the area. When he got close to the robot it suddenly came to life and grabbed his head. He was able to fight it off and escaped with only four broken ribs.
The prosecuter on the case says the man was very lucky to get away from th encounter alive. “I’ve never before heard of a man being abused by a robot in that way”, he tells one of the biggest morning papers in Sweden, but he adds, “the man is partly to blame”. The article says nothing about what the man did to the robot and what happened to it after the incidence.
Fact: This incidence is actually true, at least according to one of the biggest morning papers in Sweden.