Has the joy of creating gone missing?

I have felt recently that I’ve lost all interest in SL. All I read about is content theft, IP rights, legal matters, but nothing about how fun it is to create. Was it only me that felt that? I came to SL to create and to have people enjoying what I have made. Before everything that has to do with creativeness turned into fighting, people used to love my products.

Nowadays the only time I still enjoy SL is once a week when I log in to visit my oldest and best friend in SL. He has this dance garden that is non-commercial, non adult and just for fun. He doesn’t try to make money of it. He just love the fact that people like what he’s created. The group that is connected to it is for those who visit the events. There’s no money involved, the members won’t win any prizes to be part of it, they just find out when the next event is.

That is really rare in SL and I hope there still will be such people left, but maybe they have all fled to other places. Maybe I will too.


TangramThe “wisdom puzzle“ or Tangram is a puzzle that originally came from China. I’ve been fascinated by this seemingly simple game that can be used for so much. Even the great Edgar Allan Poe was intrigued by it. The puzzle consists of seven pieces of specifically cut out parts of a square that can be formed into practically any figure.

Sometimes Tangram is described as a puzzle for children and I am sure that a lot of adults find this puzzle as intriguing as I do

I felt so proud when I created my first own model. To be honest, I’ve only created that one, but I’m sure I’ll make more now when I’ve started. This is my butterfly, or maybe I should call it Imago. :)Imago